Forum LiberKey

Liberkey illegally distributing ccleaner, defraggler + more

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Re: Liberkey illegally distributing ccleaner, defraggler + m

PostPosted: 18 October 2012, 09:13
by Dji
I said "packaging" with brackets ! (Liberkey does not modify their binaries, Liberkey zip them into another file)
I already said Liberkey got confirmation from them (I got again direct confirmation from our previous team leader two days ago).
You trust PortableApps (a concurrent), you trust PortableFreeware (somehow another concurrent), you trust Pirifom saying something general but not for Liberkey in particular but you don't trust Liberkey... Well ok, so you already have your own opinion and you don't trust Liberkey whatever they can say.

As far as I know, Piriform did not reach the team to inform them they changed their mind and tell them they now refuse that Liberkey distribute their softwares within a zip (.lks is a .zip) so I can't let you saying something wrong.

Re: Liberkey illegally distributing ccleaner, defraggler + m

PostPosted: 22 October 2012, 11:51
by TaranQ
Thanks for letting me know Piriform is such a bitching company, has made me decide to never use Piriform software again! Enough good freeware out there from companies that are gratefull their software is being exposed in whatever way.

Re: Liberkey illegally distributing ccleaner, defraggler + m

PostPosted: 05 November 2012, 14:53
by kokbira
TaranQ wrote:Thanks for letting me know Piriform is such a bitching company, has made me decide to never use Piriform software again! Enough good freeware out there from companies that are gratefull their software is being exposed in whatever way.


What is the problem with Piriform? They did not say anything about that particular case. I love their apps and I believe them :) - also I believe on LiberKey. The only issue here is the trolling of people that put words on other's mouth...

Re: Liberkey illegally distributing ccleaner, defraggler + m

PostPosted: 05 November 2012, 15:48
by TaranQ
First of all I don't know what exactly is going on, I only wanted to say that a company that makes FREEware should not complain if another company distrubutes it's software (it's exposure!).

Re: Liberkey illegally distributing ccleaner, defraggler + m

PostPosted: 07 December 2012, 01:21
by asklucas

I don't wanna disturb but I'd like to have a serious answer to the questions in former posts:

You may NOT repackage, translate, adapt, vary, modify, alter, create derivative works based upon, or integrate any other computer programs with, the Product in whole or in part.

Certainly it's freeware, but that doesn't mean the original author loses all rights.

What's the answer of LiberKey to this and who's authorized to speak in the name of LiberKey?


Re: Liberkey illegally distributing ccleaner, defraggler + m

PostPosted: 09 December 2012, 15:40
by kokbira
Did you read all messages on this topic?

Re: Liberkey illegally distributing ccleaner, defraggler + m

PostPosted: 14 December 2012, 18:21
by asklucas
Hi @kokbira!
I suppose you were asking me: Yes I did read all the posts. This is where my confusion comes from.

One poster states, LiberKey got permission from Piriform.
Another poster states, Piriform did not permit.

So what now?

I think zipping their software, different to what @Dji states, is a breach of the license as I quoted it.
But I agree, to my sense Piriform's license is too restrictive.

Part of my post refers directly to @TaranQ regarding Freeware and copyrights.

May I suggest the following:
Add a page to the showing the license information as well as stated permissions, like in case of Piriform, to every app distributed. This would easily restore the reputation of LiberKey and invalidate any accusations!


Re: Liberkey illegally distributing ccleaner, defraggler + m

PostPosted: 14 December 2012, 20:54
by vagabond

We have permission from Piriform.
We do not intend to publish private exchanges we have with the publishers.
Anyway, if there is a problem of this nature, it must be set between the publisher and Nobody else is legitimate.
Actually, the nature of the problem is different: some people have an interest in tarnishing the image of LiberKey. The success of LiberKey worries them..

Re: Liberkey illegally distributing ccleaner, defraggler + m

PostPosted: 17 December 2012, 20:52
by akhouri_sarvesh
Well said Vegabond !! :lol:

We all Know - If there is any violation - then the publisher of the software should be objecting to it . If others feel that there is any violation - they can inform the publishers and let them take action instead of SHOUTING in this forum.

Sorry if I sound bit harsh. ;)

Re: Liberkey illegally distributing ccleaner, defraggler + m

PostPosted: 17 December 2012, 22:09
by kokbira
Is someone feedbacking "haters" with right answers on their home, e.g.

I know that it would generate more conflicts on posts here and there, but I think LiberKey need someone to defend itself outside here.