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Menu items undeline

PostPosted: 04 November 2011, 15:01
by Edin
Is there a way to remove underline from items when mouse hover over them?
It would look much better without that (hyperlink looking) "underline".
Also, the gray shade of the selection could go a bit darker.
If nothing we can do, can it be done in next release?
Thank you.

Re: Menu items undeline

PostPosted: 06 November 2011, 14:58
by Dji
Sorry this is not possible at the moment.

Re: Menu items undeline

PostPosted: 24 May 2012, 14:46
by Edin
How about now? :ninja:
There were several updates since that may have changed/allow removal of underline.
The underline is so '90. It would look so much better and mature without hyperlink look.