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AssaultCube Reloaded

MessagePosté: 15 Août 2013, 21:11
de ruler501
This game is currently only available in English though it is easily translatable if someone could volunteer their time.

It is also confirmed running on Windows XP/Vista/7 and 8 though it requires more setup and is a little less stable. We also know that it works on various linux distributions though some DM's like E17 cause problems with fullscreen. It should run on other platforms, but we have not tested it so I cannot confirm that.

It was previously licensed under the GPL, but is now licensed under the original cube license which is a modification on the zlib license.

This game is a mod of assault cube. Quoting from the author's website it is described as:
This game combines the best of all worlds. Realism from Battlefield, anti-cheat inspired by the Quake engine, perks from Call of Duty, mutators from Red Eclipse, and fast-paced gameplay with a low system footprint from AssaultCube and the Cube Engine.

These are just some of the numerous improvements from AssaultCube:

Ricochet shots (bouncing bullets)
Basic anti-cheat (ones that result in no false positives)
More new and different weapons, damage fades over distance
New, diverse game modes
Better voting system, admin votes don't veto directly
Improved radar, shows explosions and shotlines
Visual obituaries (killfeed), making it easy to see how somebody got killed
Spawn enqueue/dequeue; no need to spam the spawn button
Realistic gameplay
Vast improvements overall!

I think that this is a great game to add into the bundle as it is an improvement off of cube and is in active development to get better.

Author's website is
Download page is
Just as a note I am one of the developers for this game.