How to change default Floating Menu?
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How to change default Floating Menu?I have LiberKey 5.8.114 configured such that when I right click on the system tray icon it opens the floating menu.
This works great, however, how do I change the "root" of the floating menu? For example, right now it displays the Recent menu. How do I navigate to another menu (E.g. Most Used, User Menu, etc.)? I want to switch the default floating menu that appears when I right click on the system tray icon. I seem to recall in the past I was able to start LiberKey in floating mode such that all the menus were displayed and then I could drill down as needed. If this is still an option please explain how to achieve it. Thanks!
Re: How to change default Floating Menu?floating menu can be opened from any category location, not only from root, just try it
"Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
Alors tremblez, terroristes ! Parce qu'on est surentraînés !" @glecalot
Re: How to change default Floating Menu?I know you can right-click on any category location from within the Main Menu and select Floating Menu...
Perhaps I didn't explain my situation properly. I want to change the floating menu that appears when I right click on the LK taskbar icon. Right now it displays MyApps which is too large. I want to display another (sub-) menu instead. Where or how can I configure / change that?
Re: How to change default Floating Menu?That's not possible, sorry !
"Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
Alors tremblez, terroristes ! Parce qu'on est surentraînés !" @glecalot
Re: How to change default Floating Menu?Thank you for the confirmation.
Perhaps a future enhancement consideration
Re: How to change default Floating Menu?can anyone please describe about default Floating Menu?
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Re: How to change default Floating Menu?You can configure the User interface so when you left / right click on the LiberKey system tray icon it will display the floating menu. The one that appears "by default" is the MyApps one.
I was asking whether it was possible to configure this to instead display, for example, the Favorites menu or possibly a category within a particular menu. It is not possible...
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