Forum LiberKey

[Solved] Each software updates needs confirmation

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[Solved] Each software updates needs confirmation

MessagePosté: 12 Février 2014, 08:41
de Jaro

2 month ago all was fine: Updates only needed 1 click.
Now I have to confirm each update procedure for each application and also get the information that a new entry is made in liberkey for each updated application.
I looked in the settings, but there is no possibility to change this.

BTW, thanks again for this nice software. And I am still ready to donate, if there is a Paypal button.

Re: Updates for every software need annoying confirmation

MessagePosté: 12 Février 2014, 22:39
de JP4U
Good evening.

It's possible you've accidently unchecked Install applications without user imput (automatic mode) in the available updates' window. Checked it.
automatic_mode.jpg (223.77 Kio) Vu 20665 fois


Re: Updates for every software need annoying confirmation

MessagePosté: 12 Février 2014, 23:50
de Jaro
Good evening JP4U,

Thank you very much. You just made my day.
Problem solved!

Best Regards,

Re: [Solved] Each software updates needs confirmation

MessagePosté: 13 Septembre 2014, 11:13
de thomasusa80
Excellent night time JP4U, Thank you quite definitely. You only manufactured my morning.
Dilemma sorted out!