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Configuration file is corrupted

MessagePosté: 17 Juin 2009, 08:20
de AtomFury
Whenever I try to start LiberKey from the main Liberkey.exe I get an error message stating "Configuration file is corrupted". However, it still loads the LiberKey menu application. But whenever I try to launch an app, it gives me the error, "Fichier de configuration invalide!".

The really weird thing is, whenever I run LiberKey on another computer, it runs just fine and all the apps work correctly. It's starting to get really frustrating, and I was hoping someone on the forum might be able to help. Thanks in advance :)

Re:Configuration file is corrupted

MessagePosté: 17 Juin 2009, 08:27
de skybird
Hi AtomFury and welcome,
This error is due to the none unicode support of some LiberkeyTools.

You can read this thread for more informations or solutions.

Re:Configuration file is corrupted

MessagePosté: 17 Juin 2009, 08:40
de AtomFury
Ah! I will look into that. Thank you very much for the quick response! I apologize for creating a new thread, I should've searched first...

Re:Configuration file is corrupted

MessagePosté: 17 Juin 2009, 09:07
de AtomFury
I tried the fix but only the LKSplash seems to have worked. I am still getting the same error as the previously mentioned Chinese user "kiku" where it says: "Fichier de Configuration invalide !"

I would've tried the Regional fix in the Control Panel but it was already set to "English". I guess I'm going to have to wait for LiberKey 5.0 then?

Re:Configuration file is corrupted

MessagePosté: 01 Juillet 2009, 20:27
de giannissam
same problem here.
Started with the new version 4.4

Re:Configuration file is corrupted

MessagePosté: 12 Juillet 2009, 14:26
de opendev

A patch is available, we hope it will solve problems