Forum LiberKey

New install - can't install any suite or app

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New install - can't install any suite or app

MessagePosté: 26 Janvier 2014, 09:13
de paulderdash
I have just installed Liberkey with latest patch, to C:\Liberkey on Windows 7. However, when I try and install the Basic Suite or any apps therefrom they download but I then get the message 'Some applications of the selected suite were not installed correctly. You can restart the wizard later to complete the installation'. If I try and browse the application catalog from 'Manage Applications' in Liberkey Tools and try the install link on the web, I am asked to 'Choose an application' (in Firefox) - if I choose Liberkey Menu, it also downloads but I then get the message 'Invalid installation package' ... what could be the problem? I am keen to use Liberkey.

Re: New install - can't install any suite or app

MessagePosté: 26 Janvier 2014, 20:34
de JP4U
Hello and welcome on forums.

Perhaps it's a problem with your antivirus(or your firewall configuration).
Try desactivate it temporaly and restart the update.


Re: New install - can't install any suite or app

MessagePosté: 27 Janvier 2014, 09:51
de paulderdash
I added Liberkey.exe to allowed programs in Windows firewall, disabled MSE real-time protection, disabled my Webroot SecureAnywhere AV and Malwarebytes PRO real-time protection, but still the same problem. Not sure what else to try!

Re: New install - can't install any suite or app

MessagePosté: 28 Janvier 2014, 12:19
de JP4U
- What are the rights on the C:\Liberkey directory ?

- In your firewall it's possible you've to authorize these update mirors sites:

- What is the content of the file \LiberKeyTools\Installer\LKInst.xml ?
Default content is generally :
Code: Tout sélectionner
       <Language file="LKInst_en.xml">en</Language>

But to verify what happens exactly during install process you can activate the logs : close your Liberkey, open LKInst.xml and modify it to
Code: Tout sélectionner
       <Language file="LKInst_en.xml">en</Language>

Save the file and restarts your Liberkey.
Retry updates with automatic process or manually by click Imageon some apps in the portable applications catalog


Re: New install - can't install any suite or app

MessagePosté: 28 Janvier 2014, 13:24
de paulderdash

C:\Liberkey (and subfolders) is read only and I can't change thsi without running a cmd as administrator? But I see a similar program in my C: drive (GeGeek Tech Toolkit) is also read-only which updates with no problems ...

I am not clear how to authorise web sites in my Windows 7 firewall, only programs?

I tried automatic, then manual updates as you describe after setting log on (pasted below) - it seems to have something to do with the 7-Zip extraction?:
12:42:23 | 465C | Loading language file : C:\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\Installer\LKInst_en.xml
12:42:23 | 465C | Loaded text file as ANSI (auto) : C:\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\Installer\LKInst_en.xml
12:42:23 | 465C | Current language: en
12:42:23 | 465C | OpenPackage: C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\Temp\lbkData\PDF-XChange_Viewer_2.5.214.1.lks
12:42:23 | 465C | Embeded MD5 OK
12:42:23 | 465C | Exec 7zip => "C:\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\Installer\7z.exe" x -y -r -o"C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\Temp\" "C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\Temp\lbkData\PDF-XC~1.LKS" "package.lbk"
12:42:26 | 465C | Erreur [c7z] Extraction échouée.
12:42:26 | 465C | Erreur en lisant les informations sur le package
12:44:00 | 2D84 | Loading language file : C:\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\Installer\LKInst_en.xml
12:44:01 | 2D84 | Loaded text file as ANSI (auto) : C:\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\Installer\LKInst_en.xml
12:44:01 | 2D84 | Current language: en
12:44:01 | 2D84 | OpenPackage: C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\Temp\lbkData\USB_DI~1.LKS
12:44:01 | 2D84 | Exec 7zip => "C:\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\Installer\7z.exe" x -y -r -o"C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\Temp\" "C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\Temp\lbkData\USB_DI~1.LKS" "package.lbk"
12:44:03 | 2D84 | Erreur [c7z] Extraction échouée.
12:44:03 | 2D84 | Erreur en lisant les informations sur le package
12:44:03 | 2D84 | ERROR : InvalidPackageFile

iI do have a program called Cryptoprevent installed ( which I think blocks installs from appdata but it is not issuing any alert so I do not think this program is the problem ...


Re: New install - can't install any suite or app

MessagePosté: 28 Janvier 2014, 15:00
de Dji
Edit file C:\Liberkey\LiberKeyTools\LKConfig.xml to try to specify a different LKS TEMP folder:
Code: Tout sélectionner
<LKConfig version="0.1">

If it still fails, this is due to your antivirus/anti malware/whatever software which checks downloaded files before releasing them to applications.

Re: New install - can't install any suite or app

MessagePosté: 28 Janvier 2014, 18:39
de paulderdash
This is what my LKConfig.xml currently contains:
<LKConfig version="0.1">

I created C:\Liberkey\MyDocuments\LKS_TEMP and replaced LKConfig.xml with your supplied code but still no luck.
I had tried disabling all antimalware already, but will try some other options over time (e.g. install to a flash drive) - else I'll just have to give up on Liberkey which is very frustrating, I do not have any problems with any other similar application e.g. and GeGeek Tech Toolkit (which uses Ketarin update to update the portable packages) and I would love to use Liberkey! I just need to isolate what is causing the interference on my machine.

Not sure the new download path was applied, log file still looks like this:
18:10:05 | 349C | Loading language file : C:\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\Installer\LKInst_en.xml
18:10:05 | 349C | Loaded text file as ANSI (auto) : C:\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\Installer\LKInst_en.xml
18:10:05 | 349C | Current language: en
18:10:05 | 349C | OpenPackage: C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\Temp\lbkData\PDF-XChange_Viewer_2.5.214.1.lks
18:10:05 | 349C | Embeded MD5 OK
18:10:05 | 349C | Exec 7zip => "C:\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\Installer\7z.exe" x -y -r -o"C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\Temp\" "C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\Temp\lbkData\PDF-XC~1.LKS" "package.lbk"
18:10:07 | 349C | Erreur [c7z] Extraction échouée.
18:10:08 | 349C | Erreur en lisant les informations sur le package

Re: New install - can't install any suite or app

MessagePosté: 29 Janvier 2014, 09:25
de Dji
Could you confirm you restarted Liberkey after modifying the config file ?

Re: New install - can't install any suite or app

MessagePosté: 29 Janvier 2014, 09:50
de paulderdash
Yes I stopped and restarted LiberKey. LKConfig.xml:
<LKConfig version="0.1">
I have retried download. Log:
09:23:59 | 7020 | Loading language file : C:\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\Installer\LKInst_en.xml
09:23:59 | 7020 | Loaded text file as ANSI (auto) : C:\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\Installer\LKInst_en.xml
09:23:59 | 7020 | Current language: en
09:23:59 | 7020 | OpenPackage: C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\Temp\lbkData\PDF-XChange_Viewer_2.5.214.1.lks
09:23:59 | 7020 | Embeded MD5 OK
09:23:59 | 7020 | Exec 7zip => "C:\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\Installer\7z.exe" x -y -r -o"C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\Temp\" "C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\Temp\lbkData\PDF-XC~1.LKS" "package.lbk"
09:24:02 | 7020 | Informations sur le package lues avec succès [PDF-XChange Viewer]
09:24:02 | 7020 | Exec 7zip => "C:\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\Installer\7z.exe" l -slt "C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\Temp\lbkData\PDF-XC~1.LKS" app_logo.bmp
09:24:04 | 7020 | ERROR ValidateDataNode liberkey.install_package.application.logo
09:24:04 | 7020 | Last 7zip Shell Output follows:

Re: New install - can't install any suite or app

MessagePosté: 29 Janvier 2014, 09:56
de Dji
Damn, you put "..." in the xml ! This not compliant with the xml format.
Please remove them and correct the file like following:
Code: Tout sélectionner
<LKConfig version="0.1">