Forum LiberKey

[Solved] Error installing Firefox 3.5.7

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[Solved] Error installing Firefox 3.5.7

MessagePosté: 07 Janvier 2010, 19:54
de tonycfc
Here is the screenshot I have to show you that there is an error installing Firefox 3.5.7 from LiberKey. I wonder what is the problem?

I hope the admins can look into this matter as soon as possible! Cheers! ^^v

Re: Error installing Firefox 3.5.7

MessagePosté: 07 Janvier 2010, 20:25
de skybird
Hi tonycfc.

Can you check if you have the folder \Apps\Firefox\App\firefox and if it contains firefox.exe ?

Re: Error installing Firefox 3.5.7

MessagePosté: 08 Janvier 2010, 09:18
de tonycfc
Hello and thank you for the response. The Firefox.exe is present in the directory and in fact my Firefox is running fine. :)

This is the screenshot

If you are wondering, I have been saving LiberKey in that directory since version 4.3 and there is no problem whatsoever. This is my first time encountering problem. Cheers! ^^

Re: Error installing Firefox 3.5.7

MessagePosté: 08 Janvier 2010, 09:22
de Dji
Please also ensure firefox.exe process is not visible in the processes list (task manager)

Another idea, maybe one of your current active processes has opened (even read) a file under Liberkey\Apps\Firefox folder and block the installation process

Re: Error installing Firefox 3.5.7

MessagePosté: 08 Janvier 2010, 09:30
de skybird
tonycfc a écrit:This is the screenshot

Thank you for your screenshot.
I just tried with the same path (except the drive letter) and i have exactly the same problem.

So, try in another location (with less spaces and exclamation points).

Re: Error installing Firefox 3.5.7

MessagePosté: 08 Janvier 2010, 09:42
de tonycfc
Thank you, Skybird, for the very fast response. I tried what you suggested and it works. I have removed all the apostrophes and exclamation marks and finally it works! Too bad I have to rename all my folders though. :D

Thank you again. LiberKey is king! <3

Updated screenshot

Re: Error installing Firefox 3.5.7

MessagePosté: 08 Janvier 2010, 12:35
de Dji
Just because I'm curious, why such "!" character at the beginning of your folder's names? :reyes:

Re: [Solved] Error installing Firefox 3.5.7

MessagePosté: 08 Janvier 2010, 13:07
de tonycfc
Dji a écrit:Just because I'm curious, why such "!" character at the beginning of your folder's names? :reyes:

Oh, this is because I want the folder to appear on the topmost on my list, showing that it is the most important folder. Haha. :)

Just to 'sort' it so it appears on the top of the list.

Once again, I would like to say thanks to the moderating LiberKey team! Kudos!!

Re: [Solved] Error installing Firefox 3.5.7

MessagePosté: 08 Janvier 2010, 13:12
de Dji
Indeed, try "_" :bigsmile:

Re: [Solved] Error installing Firefox 3.5.7

MessagePosté: 08 Janvier 2010, 13:14
de tonycfc
Dji a écrit:Indeed, try "_" :bigsmile:

Hey that might work! Good idea! :)