Forum LiberKey

Suddenly the most apps are missing in the list...

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Suddenly the most apps are missing in the list...

MessagePosté: 03 Février 2016, 17:19
de KUHoepcke
Hello to you all,

first of all: Excuse my bad english... i'm from germany, and all my english knowledge is from the time, i went to school... about 40 years ago...

My problem is: My Liberkey is installed on a external harddisc. I didn't use it for a longer time. But when i start it now, the list of software is very shzort, many apps are missing in the list. But nothing is missed on the harddisc...

What can i do to have all the apps in the list again?

Thanks a lot...

Greetings from germany: Kay-Uwe

Re: Suddenly the most apps are missing in the list...

MessagePosté: 03 Février 2016, 23:03
de Dji
Don't worry, it's simple to recover everything, try the following: