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VLC files don't read

MessagePosté: 02 Mai 2016, 23:31
de FelinaLain
Hello, sorry to bother

I have this little problem with VLC, when using the liberkey file associations
Whenever it start a file with the VLCLK.exe file, it won't read. The timer advance, the files seems to be reading, but there is no sound or image.

If I open it via the VLC.exe in the x64 or x86 folders though it work perfectly fine
A workaround I found is to simply rewrite liberkey files associations, but it's extremely tedious
is there any way you guys can help?

thanks in advance

Re: VLC files don't read

MessagePosté: 03 Mai 2016, 00:20
de JP4U
Hello and welcome on forums.

To help us to understand what happens coud you send us the LiberKey LinkLiberkey Tools>> Configuration >>Technical information of your Liberkey ?
You can copy and paste them in your answer.

With a direct lauch of VLC.exe you can lost portability of application because the portabiliser can't detect you've launch the app.