Portable applications catalog
RocketDock 1.3.5 rev1
RocketDock - Main window
RocketDock - Main window
RocketDock is a smoothly animated, alpha blended application launcher. It provides a nice clean interface to drop shortcuts on for easy access and organization. With each item completely customizable there is no end to what you can add and launch from the dock.
Installation in the LiberKey
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Install RocketDock on my LiberKey
Download size : 5.77 MB
Required disk space : 10.44 MB
Past 7 days113 126
Past 30 days458 122
Total480.769 168
Information about the application
License : Creative Commons 3.0 (BY-NC-SA)
Editor : PunkSoftware.com
Platform : 2000/XP/Vista
To install automatically RocketDock on your LiberKey, make sure you previously activated files associations from the "LiberKey Tools" menu.

You can then open the file directly to start the installation.