Portable applications catalog
MUICacheView 1.01
Priority update
Each time that you start using a new application, Windows operating system automatically extract the application name from the version resource of the exe file, and stores it for using it later, in Registry key known as the 'MuiCache'.
This utility allows you to easily view and edit the list of all MuiCache items on your system. You can edit the name of the application, or alternatively, you can delete unwanted MUICache items.
Be aware that even if your delete MUICache items, they'll reappear in the next time that you run the application.
Installation in the LiberKey
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Install MUICacheView on my LiberKey
Download size : 59.59 KB
Required disk space : 83.88 KB
Past 7 days15 245
Past 30 days72 235
Total105.608 258
Information about the application
License : Freeware
Editor : NirSoft
Platform : 2000/XP/Vista/7
To install automatically MUICacheView on your LiberKey, make sure you previously activated files associations from the "LiberKey Tools" menu.

You can then open the file directly to start the installation.