Portable applications catalog
OCCT 4.5.1
Priority update
OCCT (OverClock Checking Tool) tests the stability of your computer.
It will launch heavy calculations on your CPU, and check the results. If there are any errors, OCCT will report it : it means your computer is unstable. It will put your computer under heavy load, and it will generate a lot of heat. Your CPU temperature will most likely be high, and thus you can check how well your computer's cooling is performing.
Installation in the LiberKey
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Download size : 6.94 MB
Required disk space : 87.68 MB
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Information about the application
License : Freeware (non commercial environment)
Editor : Tetedeiench
Platform : XP/Vista/7/8 + Framework .NET 2.0
To install automatically OCCT on your LiberKey, make sure you previously activated files associations from the "LiberKey Tools" menu.

You can then open the file directly to start the installation.