Any file to Wav Audio Converter

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Any file to Wav Audio Converter

Messagede kige » 20 Août 2020, 14:59

Title: Any file to Wav Audio Converter

Languages: En
Compatibility: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
License: Freeware.
Author's description:

Convert any types of files to Wav audio on Windows PC

- Batch convert all pictures to Wav audio on Windows
- Batch convert all executable files to Wav audio on Windows
- Batch convert all documents to Wav audio on Windows
- ...

"Any File to Wav Audio Converter" is not a common video/audio converter. If you need a converter to convert video or audio to Wav audio format, this software may not be suitable for your needs

"Any File to Wav Audio Converter" adds the Wav audio header to any file and changes the file extension to .wav

Website : ... converter/
Download: ... nload.html
How to convert any file to audio: ... howto.html
Author: Video Software Download
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 12
Inscription: 18 Août 2020, 12:50

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