MobaXterm on Liberkey

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4 messages • Page 1 sur 1

MobaXterm on Liberkey

Messagede newbie01.others » 08 Mars 2011, 12:51

Available languages: English

Compatibility with operating systems: All Windows versions

Type of License: Freeware

Author description: "MobaXterm is an enhanced terminal for Windows with an X11 server, several network tools for remote computing and all the essential Unix commands packaged into a single portable exe file."

Your opinion: I have already installed this to "MyApps" and use it regularly. Very handy. I now rarely use any other networking client software.

A link to the author website:

A link to the download page:



Any chance of having a Liberkey build of MobaXterm?


Edit by Dji:
Thank to Pootle for the submission
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 5
Inscription: 08 Mars 2011, 12:48

Re: MobaXterm on Liberkey

Messagede plao » 15 Juin 2012, 16:44

I agree with you!!! Great app! Still portable too...
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 09 Février 2009, 22:38

Re: MobaXterm on Liberkey

Messagede Pootle » 18 Juin 2012, 11:41


I have already installed this to "MyApps" and use it regularly. Very handy.
Expert Boarder
Expert Boarder
Messages: 80
Inscription: 14 Juin 2009, 22:06

MobaXterm on Liberkey

Messagede Pootle » 06 Juillet 2012, 16:26

Available languages: English

Compatibility with operating systems: All Windows versions

Type of License: Freeware

Author description: "MobaXterm is an enhanced terminal for Windows with an X11 server, several network tools for remote computing and all the essential Unix commands packaged into a single portable exe file."

Your opinion: I have already installed this to "MyApps" and use it regularly. Very handy. I now rarely use any other networking client software.

A link to the author website:

A link to the download page:

Expert Boarder
Expert Boarder
Messages: 80
Inscription: 14 Juin 2009, 22:06

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