Portable Google Pack

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Portable Google Pack

Messagede jorgedaniel » 12 Avril 2011, 22:45

Please make Portable Google Pack from http://pack.google.com/intl/en/pack_installer.html

Best Regards
Jorge Guimarães
Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
Messages: 44
Inscription: 13 Avril 2010, 09:56
Localisation: Porto, Portugal

Re: Portable Google Pack

Messagede bichlepa » 13 Avril 2011, 11:34

It's not possible to "make" applications portable if there is no portable version of the application available.
German translator
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Inscription: 12 Mars 2010, 12:08

Re: Portable Google Pack

Messagede jorgedaniel » 15 Avril 2011, 10:35

bichlepa a écrit:It's not possible to "make" applications portable if there is no portable version of the application available.

Can you make it?
Please think about it.

Best Regards
Jorge Guimarães
Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
Messages: 44
Inscription: 13 Avril 2010, 09:56
Localisation: Porto, Portugal

Re: Portable Google Pack

Messagede BlueMaxima » 20 Avril 2011, 09:08

Half the apps are available already and the others aren't really worth the trouble (IMO).
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Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:37

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