Portable Google Search Launcher

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Portable Google Search Launcher

Messagede arnoldburg » 02 Avril 2020, 09:49

Portable Google Search Launcher works on any windows and it is a excellent choice for users who want to improve internet searching's and translations.
With this you have a Ideal Websearch Launcher where you can select text on any websites and any programs and then choose one of the google search buttons or other search engines buttons and viola the search results or translate is completed.
The Users can repeat this by doing clicking on other search or translate buttons so that they can examine the results and then self choose the best search or translation results.
The Magic of this Launcher Tool is that Beginners and professionals can do google query searches with precision's
they can enable or disable in the settings very quick some check boxes:
Phase Search, intitle Search, inurl Search, intext Search, search by date, search by extension .com/.org/.net/.info/.edu, and you can choose how many search results you want, and many more.

website: https://www.websearchlauncher.com
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Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 02 Avril 2020, 09:17

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