HELP: Autorun

A problem using LiberKey ?
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HELP: Autorun

Messagede wquatan » 29 Avril 2018, 09:54


I have a problem (system-halt) :sick: with one of the Apps being Autorun from within Liberkey.

To be able to investigate which App is giving the problem, I would like to know where the (configuration-)information is stored used to autorun apps (so that I can toggle the setting manually as I can't launch Liberkey to do it)

For now I'm unable to use Liberkey due to that

Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
Messages: 74
Inscription: 18 Juin 2013, 00:10

Re: HELP: Autorun

Messagede wquatan » 29 Avril 2018, 11:06

Found "Autorun order" in


Could that also be the case (when needed) in
\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyMenu\data\Menu\user_menu_2.xml a.s.o. ?

What are the possible values for "StartupSingle" in <Autorun order="2">StartupSingle</Autorun>
and what could I put there to disable temporarily an Autorun ?

Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
Messages: 74
Inscription: 18 Juin 2013, 00:10

Re: HELP: Autorun

Messagede JP4U » 02 Mai 2018, 17:55


Sorry, but I think only vagabond could answer you. Try contact him directly.

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