A thank you and what I'd love to see next
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A thank you and what I'd love to see nextHello all,
First of all, I want to thank the developers of LiberKey for this great software, I'm really enthusiastic about how it changed the way I work. A little background and I'll try to be short... I am a web developer (PHP/MySQL), I use a big number of different applications and a highly customized OS and applications environment according to my preferences. This means that a typical format was a two-days work for me, until I decided to turn 99% portable. So, I started using portable applications, portabilize whatever I couldn't find as portable, used various portable application suites e.t.c. Someday I found about Liberkey - I was already a user of PortableApps - and decided to use it. I loved the menu concept and I loved the associations application, it gave me a simple way to make a "my computer" out of any computer in a couple of minutes, so a few hours later I switched to Liberkey as my main portable suite. I created my own menus, my own file associations and setup my autorun applications all in Liberkey. And having - for instance - everything on a removable 2.5" HDD (RAID 1 with my main data HDD) can solve some real problems (when something needs to be done now), from a PC malfunction that can last days to a simple power outage for a few hours. Pull the HDD from the tray, connect it to a laptop as external, work from there in two minutes. Format? It's a simple 2 hours job. So, again, thank you for this great application. Now, what I'd love to see next. - A way to autorun applications depending on the computer Liberkey runs... An addon to autorun like "autorun only if computer=computername". Because different computers have different roles but they can share the same Liberkey "installation" and the same custom software installed in Liberkey. - A way to hide "most used" and "recent" menus (even if it's done by an ini file) and also the option for the main window to have much more width. - A mouse responsive slider bar on the quick menu (on the right side of the menu) would also be nice. Best regards, Aleister
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