can I run any windows based software from Liberkey?
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can I run any windows based software from Liberkey?I've just learned of liberkey and have several questions.
I've used Ceedo Enterprise in the past to be able to install most of my Windows based software that I use for business on a USB stick. This way I can plug in my USB drive and run a copy of my computer on other Windows computers while I'm away. Unfortunately, Ceedo does not support running itself from a host computer that is running Windows 10. From what I am reading, it appears that liberkey will allow me to create a portable computer, like Ceedo, so that I can plug in my USB drive to a host computer and run liberkey in a virtual computer on the host computer. I'm NOT interested in booting the host computer with liberkey , I just want the ability to temporarily start up my virtual computer, using liberkey within the Windows OS...I guess similar to Virtual Box...and Mojopac, and then leave no trace on the host computer when I shut down liberkey . What I'm not clear on...does liberkey have its own operating system? And can I install any software that runs on Windows, into liberkey so that I can plug in my USB drive and run them in the virtual computer using the liberkey environment on the host computer? And if this works, how can I pay for Liberkey? Thanks for the help.
Re: can I run any windows based software from Liberkey?Hello. The Liberkey runs under normal Windows and don't had it's own operating system.
the Liberkey use an appliction launcher the menu) and its portabilizer to run the portables apps of the catalog but don't create a portable computer. With some apps like LibreOffice you can also use yours fonts if you have a copy of them in Liberkey's fonts folder. If you have some portables apps without catalog you can install them in the MyApps folder and the Liberkey can detect and help yu to install them. For more information about the portabiliser and how it works (in french) : JP4U
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