Download instead of install?

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Download instead of install?

Messagede Fangles » 07 Juillet 2010, 10:07

I have some friends who live in the stone age and still have dial-up.

1. I wanted to be able to download updates rather than install them so they could pick what they want (or pick all) from my collection, is this possible? Could this be a switch on the updater so I don't have to do everything manually?

2. When I want to install EVERYTHING, I need a feature to just point to a directory containing the downloads and it would install ALL of them.

Programs like Chrome would still be a problem as they need to download from the net but all others would be fine.
Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
Messages: 32
Inscription: 14 Février 2010, 00:50

Re: Download instead of install?

Messagede Fangles » 07 Juillet 2010, 10:10

P.S> I know I can MANUALLY go to the LiberKey web site and go to the correct page and download the update but I would love the choice in the LiberKey updater to just download for offline use.
Junior Boarder
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Messages: 32
Inscription: 14 Février 2010, 00:50

Re: Download instead of install?

Messagede JP4U » 07 Juillet 2010, 16:01

Hello Fangles.

Vagabond in a french message has described procedures for save the update files :

Normally when you're updating your key the .lks files are in the folder : C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp\lbkData.
When the update is finished, the updater remove these files.

But you can edit LiberKeyTools\LKAppsVCheck\lkAppsVCheck.xml and change the line :
Code: Tout sélectionner
Code: Tout sélectionner
Now when the update is done you can choose don't erase the .lks files with the yes button.
Save the files where you want and then you can use them for update other liberkeys.

Another way is modify the file where the .lks are saved.
For it open LiberKeyTools\LKConfig.xml : and add in the update section the download path for the file like this (ex : F:\LiberKey_data) :

Code: Tout sélectionner

Save the modification and then launch the manual update process.
The update files must be saved in the new folder.

edit by JP4U:
In the folder where the .lks files are saved, you have a .lal file. This file list the latest updates and, if files association are active (KeyFileAssoc is running) with a double click on it, you can update a liberkey.

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Team LiberKey
Team LiberKey
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Inscription: 30 Mars 2007, 13:58

Re: Download instead of install?

Messagede Fangles » 08 Juillet 2010, 15:39

JP4U, you are a lifesaver and that is fantastic help. I am trying to convert as many people as I can to use portable apps so they don't get locked into a desktop and in particular, I always give them LiberKey.

Can;'t wait for the final of 5, the beta is just great and has always worked.
Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
Messages: 32
Inscription: 14 Février 2010, 00:50

Re: Download instead of install?

Messagede Fangles » 27 Février 2014, 02:01


The tricks shown above no longer work with the latest version of LiberKey. The changed download folder still has files deleted from it and the <KillTempFolder>ask</KillTempFolder> doesn't work any more.

I don't want to lose the downloaded files, what can I do?
Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
Messages: 32
Inscription: 14 Février 2010, 00:50

Re: Download instead of install?

Messagede JP4U » 27 Février 2014, 22:14

Good evening.

It's very strange because on my computer these trick work fine with an updated liberkey.
Perhaps have you a problem in a configuration file.

To begin can you send us a copy of your Liberkey => LiberkeyTools=>Configuration=>Technical information and a copy of Liberkey\LiberKeyTools\LKAppsVCheck\lkAppsVCheck.xml.

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Team LiberKey
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Inscription: 30 Mars 2007, 13:58

Re: Download instead of install?

Messagede Fangles » 01 Mars 2014, 06:28

Sorry it took so long. AM settling my mother in law's estate and that takes a lot of time. This is the technical information:

LiberKey 5.7 - 20120620105059 - en (1.15)
Root folder: C:\Users\Miki\Utilities\LiberKey\
NT 6.2.9200 64bits
Update channel: normal
Logs: OFF (Level: Error)
Antivirus: Windows Defender, OnAccessScanning: disabled, Uptodate: yes
7-Zip - 9.20 - Installer\7z.exe
LiberKey Inst - - Installer\LKInst.exe
KEY Files Assoc' - - KeyFileAssoc\KeyFileAssoc.exe
LiberKey Menu - - LiberKeyMenu\LiberKeyMenu.exe
LiberKey Portabilizer - - LiberKeyPortabilizer\LiberKeyPortabilizer.exe
LiberKey Apps Closer - - LKAppsClose\LKAppsClose.exe
Liberkey Apps Version Checker - - LKAppsVCheck\LKAppsVCheck.exe
LiberKey Disk Ejector - - LkDiskEjector\LkDiskEjector.exe
LiberKey USB Eject - - LkDiskEjector\LkEject.exe
LiberKey Portable Desktop Shortcuts - - PDS\PDS.exe
WAK - - WAK.exe

I included my LKConfig file below because this is what worked in previous installations. Please note that I am running on Windows 8.1 x64 and wondering if that is the problem?

<LKConfig version="0.1">
<DownloadPath>C:\Users\Ragamuffin\Downloads\Dsave\LiberKey Updates</DownloadPath>

This is the other file that you wanted. Note that I haven't put the option to not delete the temporary directory because I never had to before as long as I changed the directory where the files were being downloaded, which no longer keeps the files.

<lbkAppsVCheck version="0.1">
Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
Messages: 32
Inscription: 14 Février 2010, 00:50

Re: Download instead of install?

Messagede Fangles » 01 Mars 2014, 06:29

Sorry it took so long. AM settling my mother in law's estate and that takes a lot of time. This is the technical information:

Code: Tout sélectionner
LiberKey 5.7 - 20120620105059 - en (1.15)
Root folder: C:\Users\Miki\Utilities\LiberKey\
NT 6.2.9200  64bits
Update channel: normal
Logs: OFF (Level: Error)
Antivirus: Windows Defender, OnAccessScanning: disabled, Uptodate: yes
7-Zip - 9.20 - Installer\7z.exe
LiberKey Inst - - Installer\LKInst.exe
KEY Files Assoc' - - KeyFileAssoc\KeyFileAssoc.exe
LiberKey Menu - - LiberKeyMenu\LiberKeyMenu.exe
LiberKey Portabilizer - - LiberKeyPortabilizer\LiberKeyPortabilizer.exe
LiberKey Apps Closer - - LKAppsClose\LKAppsClose.exe
Liberkey Apps Version Checker - - LKAppsVCheck\LKAppsVCheck.exe
LiberKey Disk Ejector - - LkDiskEjector\LkDiskEjector.exe
LiberKey USB Eject - - LkDiskEjector\LkEject.exe
LiberKey Portable Desktop Shortcuts - - PDS\PDS.exe
WAK - - WAK.exe

I included my LKConfig file below because this is what worked in previous installations. Please note that I am running on Windows 8.1 x64 and wondering if that is the problem?

Code: Tout sélectionner
<LKConfig version="0.1">
      <DownloadPath>C:\Users\Ragamuffin\Downloads\Dsave\LiberKey Updates</DownloadPath>

This is the other file that you wanted. Note that I haven't put the option to not delete the temporary directory because I never had to before as long as I changed the directory where the files were being downloaded, which no longer keeps the files.

Code: Tout sélectionner
<lbkAppsVCheck version="0.1">
Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
Messages: 32
Inscription: 14 Février 2010, 00:50

Re: Download instead of install?

Messagede JP4U » 01 Mars 2014, 22:34

As you have said, it's possible that Windows 8.1 stop a process.
Unfortunatly, for the moment, I don't have a PC with these version to test.
Hope Dji or someone else could help you.

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Team LiberKey
Team LiberKey
Messages: 3012
Inscription: 30 Mars 2007, 13:58

Re: Download instead of install?

Messagede Fangles » 02 Mars 2014, 00:08

Ah well, thanks for trying.
Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
Messages: 32
Inscription: 14 Février 2010, 00:50


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