Getting Liberkey to work in desktopshortcut...

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Getting Liberkey to work in desktopshortcut...

Messagede NinjaHacker » 27 Avril 2009, 01:58

Anybody know why my liberykey desktopshortcut wont work?...i cant double left click it...and how do i get these forums to show up in english lol...
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 27 Avril 2009, 00:18

Re:Getting Liberkey to work in desktopshortcut...

Messagede opendev » 27 Avril 2009, 08:01

Hi and welcome to the forum !

The English forum will be available soon.

For your problem, a parameter is missing :
- right clic on Remove desktop shortcuts and Properties
- the Parameters (optional) field is empty, you should add : /action=remove /silent=yes

This problem concerns only LiberKey English version. It is fixed in the next release.

See screenshot below
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