"Search in your LiberKey..."

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"Search in your LiberKey..."

Messagede Edin » 26 Août 2011, 14:11

Nice and very quick search feature at the bottom of the menu.
But, it looks only for apps/shortcuts.

Would it be too hard for developers to include all files within "MyDocuments", "MyApps", "Apps", and "LiberKeyTools" directories. In other words, would it be a big deal to include entire content of the flash drive.
And perhaps have a "divider" in search result area separating apps/shortcut from files/folders.
Also, include option on what directories to scan, so we can include/exclude directories we don't care about?

... or, LiberKey is already capable of doing it. I just missed something?

BTW... You've done a great job with LiberKey. But you already know that! :lol:
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Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 20
Inscription: 22 Juin 2011, 21:07

Re: "Search in your LiberKey..."

Messagede Croatoan » 04 Septembre 2011, 15:11

u have program Everything for that ...
Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
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Inscription: 30 Septembre 2010, 15:37

Re: "Search in your LiberKey..."

Messagede Edin » 12 Septembre 2011, 17:25

Yes, I do have Everything, but I was referring to search option integrated to "Search in your LiberKey".
Everything, as great as it is, does not support relative path, not FAT32, which seems to be standard file system on flash drives.
Integration would be fantastic.
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Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 20
Inscription: 22 Juin 2011, 21:07

Re: "Search in your LiberKey..."

Messagede Laurentxp » 13 Septembre 2011, 18:55

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