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Re: SUMo

Messagede Kyle_Katarn » 10 Août 2021, 09:58

SUMo - 5.13.1 ( Released 2021-08-10 )

0006683: [Refactoring] "Intel(R) Wireless Bluetooth(R)" incorrect version reported (Kyle_Katarn)
0006662: [New Feature] Support Visual Studio (Kyle_Katarn)
0006421: [Refactoring] Show Microsoft Software (Kyle_Katarn)
0006657: [New Feature] Support VScode (stable & insiders) (Kyle_Katarn)
0006681: [Refactoring] Updated Turkish translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0006680: [New Feature] 8GadgetPack support (Kyle_Katarn)
0006676: [Refactoring] Better licence filtering in company name (Kyle_Katarn)
0006675: [Refactoring] "*ProduKey*" to be identified as "ProduKey" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006674: [Refactoring] Updated Chinese translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0006672: [Refactoring] Inno Setup uninstaller incorrectly listed as Inno Setup (Kyle_Katarn)
Senior Boarder
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439
Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49

Re: SUMo

Messagede Kyle_Katarn » 23 Août 2021, 21:57

SUMo - 5.13.2 ( Released 2021-08-23 )

0006719: [Refactoring] Missing company name for "Screencast-O-Matic" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006717: [Bug] ScreencastOMatic installer not filtered out (Kyle_Katarn)
0006718: [Refactoring] wrong version for "Screencast-O-Matic" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006716: [Refactoring] Updated Japanese translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0006699: [Refactoring] Updated Slovenian translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0006697: [Refactoring] Wrong versions reported for O&O SafeErase (Kyle_Katarn)
0006696: [Refactoring] Automatically fix missing company name for O&O products (Kyle_Katarn)
0006695: [Refactoring] "Send Debug Log" from Auslogics to be filtered out (Kyle_Katarn)
0006694: [Refactoring] Maxthon No longer detected (Kyle_Katarn)
0004078: [Refactoring] SUMo shall differentiate Maxthon Nitro from Maxthon Cloud (Kyle_Katarn)
0006693: [Refactoring] "Maxthon installer" unduly identified as "Maxthon" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006692: [Refactoring] Updated Danish translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0006690: [Refactoring] "Grammarly for Microsoft® Office Suite" detection (Kyle_Katarn)
0006689: [Refactoring] Improve Discord automatic detection (Kyle_Katarn)
0006501: [New Feature] Microsoft Teams detection not working (Kyle_Katarn)
0006687: [Refactoring] Wrong version detected for PasswordTech (Kyle_Katarn)
0006686: [Refactoring] Improved "cURL" naming (Kyle_Katarn)
0006685: [Refactoring] Remove trailing "executable" in product names (Kyle_Katarn)
0006444: [New Feature] Add keyboard shortcuts for export functions (Kyle_Katarn)
0006602: [Refactoring] "AsrRuefi" (without company name) shall be identified as "ASRock Restart to UEFI" by ASRock (Kyle_Katarn)
0006673: [Refactoring] GigaByte company rationalization (Kyle_Katarn)
0006684: [Refactoring] woW Classic Era identified as WoW Classic (Kyle_Katarn)
Senior Boarder
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439
Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49

Re: SUMo

Messagede Kyle_Katarn » 05 Septembre 2021, 15:54

SUMo - 5.14 ( Released 2021-09-05 )

0006760: [Refactoring] Missing company name for "EdgeDeflector" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006759: [Refactoring] "MetaQuotes Ltd." company name rationalisation (Kyle_Katarn)
0006754: [Removal] "ABLaucher" to be filtered out (Kyle_Katarn)
0006755: [Refactoring] Improve PDF24 detection (Kyle_Katarn)
0006748: [New Feature] Support for CPU-Z Custom Editions (Kyle_Katarn)
0004893: [Refactoring] ESET "Security / Endpoint Antivirus / Business" version detection (Kyle_Katarn)
0006750: [Refactoring] "ESET Command Line Interface" to be filtered out (Kyle_Katarn)
0006749: [Refactoring] ESET Installers not filtered out (Kyle_Katarn)
0006747: [Bug] "Grammarly for Microsoft® Office Suite" incorrect detection if multiple versions installed (Kyle_Katarn)
0006746: [Refactoring] "VSO Locale string editor" to be filtered out (Kyle_Katarn)
0006742: [Refactoring] Updated Turkish translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0006732: [Refactoring] Possible wrong version reported for Discord if multiple versions are installed (Kyle_Katarn)
0006721: [Refactoring] Wrong version reported for Microsoft Teams (Kyle_Katarn)
0006730: [Bug] Microsoft Teams installer not filtered out (Kyle_Katarn)
0006729: [Refactoring] "EOS Utility Launcher" to be filtered out (Kyle_Katarn)
0006527: [Refactoring] EOS Utility v2 and v3 shall be detected as 2 distinct products (Kyle_Katarn)
0006728: [Refactoring] Spyder*Pro/Express/Elite identification (Kyle_Katarn)
0006726: [Refactoring] Incorrect version reported for Spyder4Pro (reported as 5.x) (Kyle_Katarn)
0006616: [Refactoring] Differentiate "qBittorrent" from "qBittorrent Enhanced Edition" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006204: [New Feature] Clean names of Standard and Advanced codecs from Shark007 (Kyle_Katarn)
0006586: [Refactoring] "1Password for Windows desktop" multiple detection (Kyle_Katarn)
0006723: [Refactoring] "AsrRuefi" (without company name) shall be identified as "ASRock Restart to UEFI" by ASRock (continued) (Kyle_Katarn)
0006722: [Refactoring] ASRock products to be better identified : AsrPolychromeRGB, AsrXTU, AsrTC (Kyle_Katarn)
0006720: [Refactoring] New Alternate Server ( (Kyle_Katarn)
Senior Boarder
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439
Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49

Re: SUMo

Messagede Kyle_Katarn » 25 Septembre 2021, 10:29

SUMo - 5.14.1 ( Released 2021-09-25 )

0006786: [New Feature] BCUninstaller support (Kyle_Katarn)
0006418: [Refactoring] "xplorer2 registry settings editor" and "ed2 - Lightweight notepad replacement" to be filtered out (component) (Kyle_Katarn)
0006784: [Refactoring] "Steve Gibson" company name fixes (Kyle_Katarn)
0006783: [Refactoring] ASRock products to be better identified : AsrRgbLed (Kyle_Katarn)
0006782: [Refactoring] "DVDProDBRepair" missing company name (Kyle_Katarn)
0002992: [Bug] Weird Server Status requests after long scan operation (Kyle_Katarn)
0006772: [Bug] Since last SUMo update, can no longer run check without scan (Kyle_Katarn)
0005942: [Refactoring] Useless "Servers Status Query" when Check is ran immediately at SUMo start, before "Online" status is confirmed (Kyle_Katarn)
0006768: [Refactoring] Unlocker installer unduly listed with wrong version if IOBit Unlocker is already installed (Kyle_Katarn)
0006767: [Bug] Incorrect version reported for "IOBit Unlocker" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006765: [Refactoring] Wrong version reported for "StarMoney" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006764: [Refactoring] SUMo is not filtering StarMoney installer (Kyle_Katarn)
0006763: [New Feature] Support for "Legacy" editions of Mozilla Firefox editions (Kyle_Katarn)
0006762: [Refactoring] Wrong SSD Fresh detection (Kyle_Katarn)
0006725: [Refactoring] Remove trailing "MFC" not systematically working (Kyle_Katarn)
Senior Boarder
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439
Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49

Re: SUMo

Messagede Kyle_Katarn » 09 Octobre 2021, 15:22

SUMo - 5.14.2 ( Released 2021-10-09 )

0006539: [Refactoring] "Cyber Power Systems, Inc." company name rationalization, missing company name/wrong version number for "PowerPanel Personal" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006794: [Bug] Multiple detection for "O&O ShutUp10" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006793: [Refactoring] Ascora software are available from "Abelssoft" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006585: [Refactoring] "AwesomePhotoFinder" by "" should be detected as "Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder" by "Duplicate-Finder" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006761: [Bug] "ACDSee (64 bits)": Name must be changed to "ACDSee Photo Studio Home 2021 (64 bits)" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006788: [Refactoring] Multiple detection for "Unlocker" by IOBit (Kyle_Katarn)
0006787: [Refactoring] "TCP/UDP endpoint viewer" to be listed as "TCPView" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006792: [Refactoring] Multiple GnuPG listing (Kyle_Katarn)
0006789: [Bug] "Unlocker 1.9.2" from Cedrick Collomb no longer detected by SUMo (Kyle_Katarn)
Senior Boarder
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439
Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49

Re: SUMo

Messagede Kyle_Katarn » 30 Octobre 2021, 18:29

SUMo - 5.14.3 ( Released 2021-10-30 )

0006805: [Refactoring] SUMo confuses "AutoCAD" with "AutoCAD LT" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006803: [Refactoring] When multiple Google Drive versions are installed, SUMo is not always reporting the latest installed version (Kyle_Katarn)
0006591: [Refactoring] WinNTSetup support (Kyle_Katarn)
0006567: [Refactoring] Incorrect identification of "ABPro (Ver v5.9.0.0 by AOMEI Technology Co., Ltd." (Kyle_Katarn)
0006802: [Refactoring] Improve detection for SciLab (Kyle_Katarn)
0006569: [Refactoring] Inconsistent detection for "AOMEI Partition Assistant" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006469: [Bug] Wrong version reported for "ChrisPCWEI" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006470: [Refactoring] Missing company name for "ChrisPCWEI" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006796: [Refactoring] "Barinov Alexander aka baratorch" company name rationalization and "HoMM 3 HD" multiple detection (Kyle_Katarn)
0006799: [Refactoring] Missing company name for "Ditto" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006513: [Refactoring] SUMo does not automatically expand short path name to long path name (Kyle_Katarn)
Senior Boarder
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439
Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49

Re: SUMo

Messagede Kyle_Katarn » 14 Novembre 2021, 11:20

SUMo - 5.14.4 ( Released 2021-11-14 )

0006824: [Refactoring] "Carifred" company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn)
0006826: [Refactoring] Wrong version reported for "IceCream Ebook Reader" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006806: [Refactoring] Company name rationalization for "FastStone" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006790: [Bug] Playnite: DLL must be detected not the EXE! (Kyle_Katarn)
0006817: [Refactoring] Incorrect detection of NW.js based software (eg: "Kotobee Reader") as "nwjs by The NW.js Community" with wrong version (Kyle_Katarn)
0006820: [New Feature] Optional not recommended advanced setting to revert 0006551 (old local version number display) (Kyle_Katarn)
0006361: [Bug] Incorrect support for "Cheat Engine" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006819: [Refactoring] Further improvement in RevoUninstaller PRO Portable detection (Kyle_Katarn)
0006810: [Refactoring] During a scan, popup are not centered wrt main window but wrt to its initial position (Kyle_Katarn)
0006813: [Refactoring] PowerShell 5.1 reported as v10 (Kyle_Katarn)
0006814: [Refactoring] PowerShell 5.1 filtered while it's supposed to be (Kyle_Katarn)
Senior Boarder
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439
Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49

Re: SUMo

Messagede Kyle_Katarn » 11 Décembre 2021, 18:12

SUMo - 5.14.6 ( Released 2021-12-11 )

0006849: [Refactoring] Company name rationalization for "Process Hacker" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006848: [Refactoring] Remove trailing " 64bit" from names (Kyle_Katarn)
0006660: [Bug] "Google Chrome Canary" listed as "Google Chrome" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006845: [Refactoring] "Cisco Systems, Inc." company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn)
0006847: [Refactoring] Inconsistent company name for "Win 10 Tweaker" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006846: [Refactoring] Incorrect version reported for "NetPhone Client " (Kyle_Katarn)
0006843: [Refactoring] Updated Italian translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0006842: [Refactoring] Updated German translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0006835: [Refactoring] Distinguish "Samsung Portable SSD for T7" and "Samsung Portable SSD for T5/X5" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006837: [Refactoring] Ultimate Windows Tweaker v4 for Win10 shall be distinguished from v5 for Win11, v3 for for Win8.x and v2 for Vista & 7 (Kyle_Katarn)
0006838: [Refactoring] "The windows club" company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn)
0006839: [Bug] AsIoUnins.exe to be filtered out (Kyle_Katarn)
Senior Boarder
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439
Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49

Re: SUMo

Messagede Kyle_Katarn » 21 Décembre 2021, 12:02

SUMo - 5.14.7 ( Released 2021-12-21 )

0006114: [Bug] Wrong version reported for Epic Games Launcher (Kyle_Katarn)
0006327: [Bug] Plex is not discovered as an installed app, is not checked for latest version (Kyle_Katarn)
0006866: [Refactoring] SUMo should trim \.\ in path (Kyle_Katarn)
0005932: [Refactoring] Incorrect identification of some COMODO sub-products (Kyle_Katarn)
0006865: [Refactoring] "Autoruns.exe" to be filtered out (if COMODO product) (Kyle_Katarn)
0006367: [Refactoring] SUMo reads wrong Comodo app (CCE) (Kyle_Katarn)
0006864: [Refactoring] WiseJet installer not filtered out (Kyle_Katarn)
0006863: [Refactoring] Incorrect version reported for "Wise JetSearch" (due to WiseJetHelp.exe) (Kyle_Katarn)
0006862: [Refactoring] SUMo shall be able to distinguish StartIsBack / StartIsBack+ / StartIsBack++ (Kyle_Katarn)
0006861: [Refactoring] StartAllBack "UpdateCheck" to be filtered out (reports incorrect version) (Kyle_Katarn)
0006860: [Refactoring] Missing company name for "StartAllBack" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006857: [Refactoring] "SteuertippsCenter by Akademische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Verlag" should be listed on "yearly" version scheme (Kyle_Katarn)
0006856: [New Feature] "H&R Block" should be listed on "yearly" version scheme (Kyle_Katarn)
0006855: [Refactoring] Samsung Magician for Consumer and for Enterprise to be distinguished (Kyle_Katarn)
0006851: [Bug] "Ultimate Windows Tweaker 3 3" shall be named "Ultimate Windows Tweaker 3" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006852: [Bug] Wrong name for "" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006850: [Refactoring] "Hauppauge Computer Works, Inc " company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn)
Senior Boarder
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439
Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49

Re: SUMo

Messagede Kyle_Katarn » 31 Décembre 2021, 11:52

SUMo - 5.14.8 ( Released 2021-12-31 )

0006896: [Refactoring] Luminar Neo, Luminar 4 and Luminar AI are two different products (Kyle_Katarn)
0006894: [Refactoring] Wrong version reported for "Screencast-O-Matic" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006895: [Refactoring] "Screencast-O-Matic Launcher" to be detected as "Screencast-O-Matic" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006893: [Refactoring] "G Data" company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn)
0006892: [Refactoring] SUMo shall distinguish ZoneAlarm from ZoneAlarm Pro (Kyle_Katarn)
0006884: [Bug] Missing program "MediathekView" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006873: [Refactoring] "SteuertippsCenter by Akademische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Verlag" should be listed on "yearly" version scheme (Kyle_Katarn)
0006872: [Refactoring] Updated Hebrew translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0001729: [Bug] PhotoScape is incorrectly detected (1.0 instead of 3.6.2) (Kyle_Katarn)
0006871: [Bug] PhotoScape installer not filtered out (Kyle_Katarn)
0006870: [Refactoring] "SQUARE ENIX" company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn)
0002718: [New Feature] QEMU support (Kyle_Katarn)
0006781: [Refactoring] Multiple detection for "" (Kyle_Katarn)
0006869: [Bug] SUMo fails on trimming \.\ in path (Kyle_Katarn)
0006868: [Refactoring] "Plex Media Player" is not detected by SUMo (Kyle_Katarn)
0006867: [Refactoring] Wrong version reported for "Plex" if "Plex Media Player" is also installed (Kyle_Katarn)
Senior Boarder
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439
Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49


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