Reader with Foxit PDF reader is not faulty?

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Reader with Foxit PDF reader is not faulty?

Messagede seadragon1855 » 18 Avril 2014, 06:43

Today I read a file into PDF with Foxit Reader software that error message

"D: \ study \ ***********.pdf
Couldnot open file.
File not found "

This error alone today because last week my newly found normal users do not see the error. I tried many PDF files are so off. I brought it to another computer open.

You know how to help me see this error!
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 07 Avril 2014, 10:32

Re: Reader with Foxit PDF reader is not faulty?

Messagede VeresBenedek » 03 Octobre 2023, 12:19

I think there are better options for PDF.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 4
Inscription: 03 Octobre 2023, 12:13

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