Looking for a good new Backup program
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Looking for a good new Backup programHello,
Abakt is not developed since 2007. And it doesn't allow one profile to have multiple sources with different actions and filters together (one must "group" different profiles, but that is cumbersome). I am looking for a simple backup program that will allow me to also move files instead of copying. I use Cobian Backup on a daily basis. It's very good and free, but it won't move files, and I don't think it can be portabilized. Regards, Mickets
Re: Looking for a good new Backup programHello.
If you only want backup your USB Key, you can use USB Image Tool (File Management => backup), or eventualy you can also use DSynchronize (File Management => Synchronization) with the option Backup changes where you select the number of backup copy you want (0 to 5). JP4U
Re: Looking for a good new Backup programNo, not for the USB, and not for synchronising files.
Really something more to move or copy files, based on rules, etc.
Re: Looking for a good new Backup programI use FreeFileSync for synchronization but also looking for a dedicated backup program.
Re: Looking for a good new Backup program
Hmmm.... I'll check on that. Can it move or delete files based on their age?
Re: Looking for a good new Backup program
Please explain regarding move or delete. There are two methods of comparison 1. File size and date 2. File content It offers you to delete and replace older files with the newer copy along with sending the deleted file to recycle bin in case you want to recover it.
Re: Looking for a good new Backup program
Once the files have been filtered, instead of copying them to the new destination(s), I would like to MOVE them, i.e., erase from the source location.
Re: Looking for a good new Backup program
Ooops !! I have used FreeFileSync just for mirroring but have never used for moving but will check whether this option is present or not. Will let you know.
Re: Looking for a good new Backup programMoving options are not available.
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Alors tremblez, terroristes ! Parce qu'on est surentraînés !" @glecalot
Re: Looking for a good new Backup programAs far I think a Backup program is meant to backup any data simply by mirroring - so that the data can be retrieved later if the original is damaged or lost. Further only updated data/files should be copied to the backup - so as to save backup time. Later I realized that moving option should not be a part of backup since it moves the original file instead of making a backup copy.
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