New user - Wow!

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New user - Wow!

Messagede hamrad » 18 Juillet 2010, 04:03

I downloaded LiberKey several weeks ago and since I had never heard of it before was hesitant to install it. Well, I finally did today and WOW. What a well designed program and the update feature is fantastic. I have been using some other portable apps menu program and was always manually having to keep the programs in it undated. LiberKey updates are so smooth and adding new programs is a breeze too. Thanks to the author for all his hard work and this is definitely a professional piece of software.

Question: Is there a listing of all the applications that can be installed with a brief description of each in a file that can be downloaded or printed? Many of these applications are new to me.

Again, thanks to the author for this excellent program.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 10
Inscription: 01 Novembre 2009, 13:32

Re: New user - Wow!

Messagede andromede_dc » 18 Juillet 2010, 11:16

Hello hamrad,

Have-you seen the catalog ?
Iron Boarder
Iron Boarder
Messages: 600
Inscription: 28 Octobre 2007, 22:55

Re: New user - Wow!

Messagede hamrad » 18 Juillet 2010, 12:19

Yes. I have seen the catalog but I was looking for something I could printout or download.

Thanks for your response,
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 10
Inscription: 01 Novembre 2009, 13:32

Re: New user - Wow!

Messagede opendev » 19 Juillet 2010, 11:09


You can find a flat-list link with the content of the catalog (catalog top-right position : link)
This list can be print but without description. Maybe in the future ;)
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Platinum Boarder
Platinum Boarder
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Inscription: 30 Mai 2007, 23:08

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