LbkLangEditor development
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LbkLangEditor developmentThe new LbkLangEditor is great.
![]() There are still some things that could be improved. 1. The categories should be red, too, if there is a line that isn't translated. ![]() 2. The program should remember which languages were opened, when I select a new file to translate, and open them automatically.
Re: LbkLangEditor developmentThat would be great, specially when you have to search for new keys.
Re: LbkLangEditor developmentHello bichlepa, hello sewave.
Added and published in the new version of LbkLangEditor. There is also a new feature "Find empty string". Go to Edition, Find empty string and choose the language. Then use F3 for find others empty strings in this language.
Re: LbkLangEditor developmentThere seems to be a bug in the LbkLangEditor v0.9.26 beta.
About one week ago, after an Update I found some new strings in Menu and Installer and translated them. Then I ZIPed the German translation and sent it to LiberKey Team. But the two edited files were not in the archive. I noticed that today after the last Update. I tried again and made sure that the checkboxes for that two filed were checked. But they didn't appear in the archive again. If I ZIP the english files everything is OK. But the edited german files of Menu and Installer never appear in the archive.
Re: LbkLangEditor developmentI get this message:
What's wrong? There is no new update available in the BETA-channel. My LiberKey is 5.4.0421. Furthermore another suggestion: Can you add to the "ReadMe"-Window and this message "Please, make sure you make the translation from the latest language file provided on the beta channel of LiberKey updates." a checkbox "don't show it again"? I don't like to click these windows away on every start. Dernière édition par bichlepa le 03 Mai 2011, 19:24, édité 1 fois.
Re: LbkLangEditor developmentHello bichlepa.
If you re-launch LbkLangEditor, you should no longer have these both messages (these data are read online and now up to date).
Re: LbkLangEditor developmentThanks. This message: "Please, make sure..." does not appear anymore.
![]() But the other message "Warning! The format..." still appears everytime I click on "file" -> "LiberKey Menu". If I have multiple languages selected, it appears multiple times. ![]()
Re: LbkLangEditor development
Now, this should really work ![]()
Re: LbkLangEditor developmentPerfect!
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