Liberkey now abandonware?

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Liberkey now abandonware?

Messagede paulderdash » 18 Août 2019, 09:15

Every day I check for updates, but nothing has updated here for months.

Is Liberkey now abandonware, to be deleted, or just on an exceptionally long holiday?
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 18
Inscription: 26 Janvier 2014, 08:49

Re: Liberkey now abandonware?

Messagede MMB » 18 Août 2019, 12:34

No abandonware ! Regular updates !

Last update this week !
Messages: 279
Inscription: 03 Juillet 2009, 19:40

Re: Liberkey now abandonware?

Messagede paulderdash » 22 Août 2019, 13:50

Mine just stopped syncing exactly a year ago. I thought the developer had gone on 'European leave'. :reyes:
Maybe some cleaner and the .lbk link ... ?
Redownloading Ultimate Suite, and then check for any others I may have added and take it from there ...
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 18
Inscription: 26 Janvier 2014, 08:49

Re: Liberkey now abandonware?

Messagede MMB » 22 Août 2019, 14:13

Last update today !
Messages: 279
Inscription: 03 Juillet 2009, 19:40

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