"Right" association with 7-Zip: is possible?
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"Right" association with 7-Zip: is possible?I installed 7-Zip in my LiberKey. The app is associated with compressed file types (zip, rar) and handles them as expected.
However, I would like to be able to do one more thing: associate 7-Zip with each file type and each folder so that I can open the app and create a compressed archive from the selected file or folder. I've tried to do this, but when I select a 'generic' file and open 7-Zip, the app tries to 'open' the file as if it were a compressed archive (so sometimes it succeeds, e.g. docx files, sometimes it doesn't, like with pdfs and txts). Is there any way that you can start 7-Zip and the app will 'select' the selected file or folder and then add it to an archive?
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