Portable applications catalog
Audacity 3.0.2
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Audacity main window
Audacity main window
Audacity is a fast multi-track audio editor and recorder. It supports many audio format (Wav, AIFF, MP3, OGG, FLAC etc...). You can apply effects on your track, cut files and much more.
Installation in the LiberKey
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Install Audacity on my LiberKey
Download size : 27.01 MB
Required disk space : 64.02 MB
Past 7 days152 59
Past 30 days684 58
Total2.078.356 27
Information about the application
License : GPL 2.0 - Download source code
Editor : Audacity Team
Platform : XP/Vista/7/8/10
To install automatically Audacity on your LiberKey, make sure you previously activated files associations from the "LiberKey Tools" menu.

You can then open the file directly to start the installation.