[Done] Evince
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[Done] EvinceTitle: Evince
1. Languages: A lot - I couldn’t find a list of them (Evince uses the language that is set by your operating system http://mail.gnome.org/archives/evince-l ... 00006.html) 2. Compatibility: Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 3. License: GPL 4. Description: Evince is a document viewer for multiple document formats. The goal of evince is to replace the multiple document viewers that exist on the GNOME Desktop with a single simple application. Evince is specifically designed to support the file following formats: PDF, Postscript, djvu, tiff, dvi, XPS, SyncTex support with gedit, comics books (cbr,cbz,cb7 and cbt). http://live.gnome.org/Evince/Features 5. Opinion: It’s a lightweight software that reads some common document formats (PDF, Postscript, Multi-Page TIFF, DVI, DjVu...). For me, it is usual because you can invert colors for reading instead of reading a document with white background). More info in http://library.gnome.org/users/evince/stable/ 6. Author website: http://projects.gnome.org/evince/ 7. Download page: http://live.gnome.org/Evince/Downloads Dernière édition par kokbira le 22 Juillet 2011, 21:15, édité 1 fois.
Re: EvinceI changed my app submission to match rules.
Re: EvinceHello,
Evince is now available in LiberKey !
Re: EvinceThanks^^
It's my favorite reader on linux
Re: [Done] EvinceFine, fine... but it doesn't work so well on Windows : doesn't save the window size and position, so each time I start it... it's back to the default small window size, positioned on top-left corner of... my second monitor (wich is switched-off most of the time, anyway - just to add to this craziness ) !
So, no-go, "bye-bye EVINCE !" Ah ! These bloody Linux applications... "ported to Windows" ! (Don't mind. We already have many nice Document Viewers on Windows, anyway).
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