EOL Converter

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EOL Converter

Messagede sewave » 27 Avril 2011, 14:16

Languages: En
Compatibility: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Seven
License: Freeware
Author's description:

EOL Converter is an utility to convert text file line endings to Windows/Dos(CRLF), Unix/Linux(LF) or Macintosh(CR) format. It is very useful for writing and reading text files in different OSes. EOL Converter automatically detects the EOL format of the file and converts to the desired file format. EOL Converter converts the file "in place" and keeps original file date/time stamp and attributes.

Just drag and drop files or folders into the program to begin converting. Also, you may use the integrated windows explorer context menu commands to convert files with just One Click!

Opinion: great converter software, worked for 4000+ files at once, easy to use.

Website: http://www.totato.com/eolconverter/
Download page: http://www.totato.com/eolconverter/

Spanish translator
Spanish translator
Messages: 10
Inscription: 29 Juillet 2009, 09:14

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