Integration of My Apps programs with liberkey

Provides some LiberKey tools versions under development
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Re: Integration of My Apps programs with liberkey

Messagede anthraxtacide » 11 Novembre 2012, 17:04

jorgedaniel a écrit:
Dji a écrit:drag'n'drop into Liberkey menu window, a shortcut will be placed in the opened category or menu

I have to do one-by-one the .exe file or I will have a shortcut to the folder.
What I wanted is a simple way to have all my apps in one time like in Liberkey 4.9
But OK. I will take more time to do it.

Best Regards
Jorge Daniel Guimarães

With the exciting and comprehensive tools in the |Uliber Suite, you can now batch multiple files together with the click of a button. Take DirHTML for example - one of the file management applications. Perhaps it would be a great way to learn how to use these features to work for you, rather than practicing MS Win 95 habits. If I don't forget Ill submit a handy LiberKey Wireless Preinstall VR Environment Volks Wagon Courier, that will come in handy when everyone is unhappy with the inconvenience of having to think in global warming conditions. I'm very happy I had the chance today to write to everyone as I had to wait 15 mins for my 56k modem to get a dial tone.

Best Regards,
LiberKey Fanboy with no Bandwidth, but has a 1.5Ghz dual core CPU that can play a song. :woohoo:
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Re: Integration of My Apps programs with liberkey

Messagede kokbira » 12 Novembre 2012, 13:11

simply use Windows search to find all your exe files in a folder, then select all and finally drag and drop to LiberKey menu???
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