Website inaccessible
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Website inaccessibleHi,
I think you ought to know that your website is inaccessible for most browsers now, as it's encryption uses TLS 1.1 and SSLv3 which are both deprecated. Best regards, Martijn Overman
Re: Website inaccessibleI can confirm this problem exists
Re: Website inaccessibleHi, did you manage to solve this server issue? To me that was one of the most difficult thing. I have actually been fired from my recent job because of that. I worked as an IT Assistant and didn't know how to manage the company's website correctly. Now I know that my only problem was the hosting provider who didn't mention they had outdated SQL. That was such a nightmare. Later I found bluestacks vps for any of such matter. But it is very interesting hos you managed this issue, really.
Re: Website inaccessibleI'm not familiar with Bluestacks vps, but I think it could be a good option for those looking for an easy way to manage a server here.
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