Liberkey won't update, attempts connections then fails

A problem using LiberKey ?
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Liberkey won't update, attempts connections then fails

Messagede badon » 22 Janvier 2017, 12:04

Liberkey won't update. It attempts connections to these URL's:

Then it fails and asks me if I have internet. I click "Yes", but nothing happens. I'm guessing a CAPTCHA (CloudFlare?) is being presented to those URL's, but since it's an automated process, I never see it and I can't respond to it.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
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Re: Liberkey won't update, attempts connections then fails

Messagede supernova3 » 25 Janvier 2017, 14:55

Hello badon,

It's possible that your anti-virus blocks the connection. I don't have such a message when Liberkey updates.
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