KEY Files Assoc in cascaded menus?
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KEY Files Assoc in cascaded menus?Hello,
KEY FIles Assoc is great. But then the context menus get huge, with dozens of options. Even if I remove the ones I don't usually use, it still get's quite big. Is there a way to put all of that under cascaded context menus? Say, a context menu option "Liberkey", and then all the options inside of that? Also, icons on the context menus would be great.
Re: KEY Files Assoc in cascaded menus?I second this idea, sounds great, hope OpenDev takes interest.
Re: KEY Files Assoc in cascaded menus?OK... that topic didn't show up when I searched - probably using different keywords.
Anyway, if it's that complicated then I have an alternative: we can use the SendTo folder. I made folders / sub-folders in my SendTo folder and added shorcuts to some of the LiberKey applications I most use. The difference is that the options will be the same, regardless of the file type. But as Liberkey has the "Desktop Shortcuts" options, and the "SendTo My Portable Documents" option added in SendTo, then maybe an integration could be made with shortcuts and SendTo. Maybe for each application, have a "Send to SendTo folder". Actually, I just had an idea: I'll add a shortcut to the SendTo folder inside the SendTo folder itself, so maybe I can right-click on any file and send a shortcut to the SendTo folder. It's just a thought.
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