more security

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more security

Messagede snadge » 22 Octobre 2010, 19:08

theres tons of free security apps not included?

Spyware Terminator
Emisoft Anti-Malware
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Inscription: 22 Octobre 2010, 18:13

Re: more security

Messagede terminator1234 » 23 Octobre 2010, 13:03

The key word here is "Portable". Liberkey is a suite for portable applications. Antiviruses like Avast or AVG cannot be made portable.

The only portable antivirus software that I know of is Clamwin Portable. It is available in the Liberkey Catalog

I also recommend you add Super Antispyware Portable to your my apps folder for more security. Here is the link

How to add in MyApps viewtopic.php?f=29&t=4483&start=0
Terminator over and out :silly: :ninja:

La Liberté éclairant le monde - Liberty Enlightening the World
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Re: more security

Messagede snadge » 26 Octobre 2010, 12:32

terminator1234 a écrit:The key word here is "Portable". Liberkey is a suite for portable applications. Antiviruses like Avast or AVG cannot be made portable.

The only portable antivirus software that I know of is Clamwin Portable. It is available in the Liberkey Catalog

I also recommend you add Super Antispyware Portable to your my apps folder for more security. Here is the link

How to add in MyApps viewtopic.php?f=29&t=4483&start=0

thank you :)
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 5
Inscription: 22 Octobre 2010, 18:13

Re: more security

Messagede Laurentxp » 27 Novembre 2010, 16:12

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Re: more security

Messagede terminator1234 » 28 Novembre 2010, 11:47

Thanks a lot for the links Laurentxp :bigsmile:

Here is my take on them

1.Avast virus cleaner - There is no download link there. It just shows "The avast Virus Cleaner has been replaced by new more comprehensive programs". :-(

2.McAfee Stinger - Very good one. Portable, standalone, doesn't require internet access. I will add this to MyApps

3.TrendMicro Housecall - Web based, definitely reqires internet access. Not good in my book.

4.Dr Web CureIt - Just like McAfee Stinger. Good addition to MyApps

5.Emsisoft Emergency Kit - The download size is a huge 108 Mb. I think it is bloated and not good enough.

In summary I recommend McAfee Stinger and DrWeb CureIt

So thanks again for giving the links and I hope that someone finds this useful
Terminator over and out :silly: :ninja:

La Liberté éclairant le monde - Liberty Enlightening the World
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Inscription: 29 Juillet 2009, 13:40

Re: more security

Messagede swoyara » 28 Janvier 2011, 12:30

Where can I find free malware removal tools? I am looking for a free program that you can download that scans and removes malware, adware, trojans and that sort of thing.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
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Inscription: 28 Janvier 2011, 12:16

Re: more security

Messagede Laurentxp » 29 Janvier 2011, 11:20

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Inscription: 27 Mars 2007, 23:37

Re: more security

Messagede DJ-Danby » 30 Janvier 2014, 20:43

An old Post....but i have a programs for you to add them. :bigsmile:

Adwcleaner (is portable)

Hijackthis (is portable)

Housecall (portable?)

PS: What is with McAfee Stinger? Why u not add this?
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 16 Mars 2011, 01:12

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