Palemoon (Firefox special build for Windows)

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Palemoon (Firefox special build for Windows)

Messagede MicketsBR » 30 Décembre 2010, 19:35

Palemoon is a packet of Firefox optimized for Windows. It runs ~25% faster! You can import all your settings, including extensions, from Firefox.

Available languages: several
Operating systems: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/Seven, 32-bit or 64-bit
License: Free

Author Description:

Why settle for a basic build of your Firefox browser on Windows Operating Systems when you can have one that performs 25% faster? Mozilla does not provide optimized browser packages for Windows, while many Linux ("from scratch") users get the advantage of a browser built specifically for their system... So, here is the Pale Moon project: Custom-built and optimized Firefox browsers for Windows Operating Systems. Make sure to get the most speed out of your browser!

Main features:

* Highly optimized for current processors
* 100% Firefox sourced: As safe as the browser that has seen years of development.
* Uses slightly less memory because of disabled redundant and optional code
* Significant speed increases for page drawing and script processing
* Support for SVG and Canvas, downloadable fonts, WOFF and some HTML5
* Support for Firefox extensions, themes and personas
* Support for OOPP (Out-of-process plugin execution)
* Able to use existing Firefox profiles, bookmarks and settings with this migration tool

My opinion: This is a great browser. I installed the portable version, and am using it right now. How I moved my settings and extensions from Firefox (LiberKey) to Palemoon:
  • Installed FEBE extension in Firefox
  • Used FEBE to export all my extensions, preferences, etc
  • Installed FEBE in Palemoon
  • Used FEBE to import all my preferences, extension, etc..

All my extensions seem to work perfectly in Palemoon, including FasterFox, LastPass, etc. The only things I needed to manually do were:
  • Change the theme back to default (the ones I had in Firefox don't look OK)
  • Export/import my FoxyProxy settings.

Download page: (portable version)
Expert Boarder
Expert Boarder
Messages: 105
Inscription: 24 Novembre 2009, 15:45

Re: Palemoon (Firefox special build for Windows)

Messagede cassqs » 28 Février 2011, 02:53

Pale Moon Portable in LiberKey would be very nice!!! B)

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 5
Inscription: 22 Février 2010, 19:19

Re: Palemoon (Firefox special build for Windows)

Messagede Pootle » 05 Mars 2011, 15:33


I am already using this portably, it's much quicker than Firefox.
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Inscription: 14 Juin 2009, 22:06

Re: Palemoon (Firefox special build for Windows)

Messagede vixblu » 10 Mars 2011, 09:43

Never heard of PaleMoon before, so I checked it out. First I tried to read about it, and found a discussion on Portable Apps, where the app was dismissed because it was not being updated (Jan. 2010).
So I went to the website of PaleMoon, and discovered the app is up-to-date again, and is following the stable firefox updates closely (within a day), so that's a plus.
After reading everything the author has to say about PaleMoon (he's sometimes bitter towards Mozilla), I still had some issues:
- will this optimized app suit me as a portable browser if it won't do any good on an old machine (like at work)?
- how can I port my full profile (addons, plugins, scripts, preferences) to the portable PaleMoon (author says it can't be done with his Profile Migration Tool, I tried and he's right).

I checked our machines at work, and luckily the hardware will do (pfew, we're not that ancient I thought we were). But it is something you really have to check before installing (I know I do, but most won't and just install software that says "I'm faster!"), you can check it here:
Then the profile migration: I didn't want to go the copy-paste route he suggested when the migration tool fails (will certainly fail with migrating to portable PaleMoon profile), so I tried if MozBackup works, and it did :-) After a first run (to create a default profile) I closed PaleMoon and opened MozBackup. Directed the backup (of another FF profile) to the PaleMoon installation, in my case the path was: ...\Palemoon-Portable-3.6.15\User\Palemoon\Profiles\Default et voila! To complete my portable installation I copied some plugins (like Flash, see instructions here: ... le#plugins) to the plugins folder in PaleMoon (...\Palemoon-Portable-3.6.15\Bin\Palemoon\plugins).

The Palemoon optimized Firefox browser is running smoothly, and it is/seems faster on my machines, but I don't know if it's a hasslefree portable app for everyone, one must know it's an optimization and why/when to use it or not.

I won't be dissapointed if it isn't going to be presented in the LiberKey suite. Thanks anyway for the tip! :bigsmile:
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Fresh Boarder
Messages: 12
Inscription: 30 Janvier 2011, 13:34

Re: Palemoon (Firefox special build for Windows)

Messagede MicketsBR » 21 Mars 2011, 15:19

vixblu a écrit:...
- how can I port my full profile (addons, plugins, scripts, preferences) to the portable PaleMoon (author says it can't be done with his Profile Migration Tool, I tried and he's right)....

There are two ways. One is to use MozBackup. And the other is to use the FEBE extension.

I did it with FEBE:
  • Install FEBE extension in Firefox
  • Use FEBE to export all your extensions and settings
  • Install FEBE in Palemoon
  • Use FEBE to import all your extensions and settings

Also, Palemoon seems to be very up to date nowadays.
Expert Boarder
Expert Boarder
Messages: 105
Inscription: 24 Novembre 2009, 15:45

Re: Palemoon (Firefox special build for Windows)

Messagede vixblu » 22 Mars 2011, 14:49

FEBE is a very nice addon, and it was very useful to me when I wanted to transfer a simple profile from windows to mac :) But I didn't get lucky with a much-tweaked profile, so for my use MozBackup works great.

One remark using MozBackup with PaleMoon:
I've noticed when restoring a PaleMoon profile into another installation, to -in my example- a new default Firefox profile: if "General Settings" is checked, the location of my (default) cache* was changed to the PaleMoon one (very unconvenient).
However, this can be solved:
Before backing up a PaleMoon profile, follow instructions at "Advanced options**" (end of this page: and change (edit .ini) to preferred (default) cache location.

* I'don't know if FEBE exports those kinds of settings

** [tip] The advanced options are also useful to get a better performance when the portable version is run from a harddisk :bigsmile:
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 12
Inscription: 30 Janvier 2011, 13:34

Re: Palemoon (Firefox special build for Windows)

Messagede mogmon » 30 Mars 2011, 14:24

Palemoon V4 is now available...
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Messages: 52
Inscription: 03 Novembre 2007, 17:51

Re: Palemoon (Firefox special build for Windows)

Messagede mogmon » 29 Janvier 2012, 12:45

Just to say it's a really good soft.

I hope I can see it in the liberkey soon.

All the best.
Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
Messages: 52
Inscription: 03 Novembre 2007, 17:51

Re: Palemoon (Firefox special build for Windows)

Messagede Gualterus » 06 Septembre 2012, 09:21

+1 from me for being integrated into Liberkey.
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Fresh Boarder
Messages: 6
Inscription: 02 Mars 2012, 22:21

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