Data Crow
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Data CrowData Crow
Available translations: Italian, German, Dutch, English, Spanish and French. Compatibility with operating systems: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Unix Type of License: GNU GPL Data Crow is the ultimate media cataloger and media organiser. Always wanted to manage all your collections in one product? You want a product you can customize to your needs? Your search ends here! Using Data Crow allows you to create a huge database containing all your collected items. You can use the excellent online services to retrieve the information instead of typing all the information yourself.
Highly customizable and feature rich. Audio, software, book, movie and photo collection cataloger Retrieve information from services like,, Softpedia and MusicBrainz. Optional internal web server and web GUI. Import file information (mp3, divx, xvid, ..) Loan registration. PDF and HTML reporting. Create new modules to, for example, maintain your stamp collection.
Re: Data CrowI just noticed this entry on the forum, and have to agree completely. This is the best and most powerful free cataloging program out there. I have been using it for over a year, cataloging 400 plus books, dozens of movie DVD's, and lots of software programs. It even has a recipe module available. If you are serious about keeping track of what you have, you can do it with Datacrow.
Datacrow is regularly updated by the author with new features, making it even better. Never argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
Re: Data Crowseen that Data Crow is a truly multimedia cataloging software, with the plus of also cataloging stuff like offline books and the existence of third party modules for recipes and even stamps; i have to agree that it would be a nice software on Liberkey too.
Seeing that it has already found it's way into the WinPenPack and also distributions, i think it should not retard in beeing listed within Liberkey too. I would like though for ease of use to see a re-placement of the software's from video > cataloger to the more appropiate File management > cataloger section inside Liberkey. Considering that these tools not only can list videos but other media too. What do you think ?
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