Poster print
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Poster printA application to zoom pictures an print them as some pages to create a big poster would be nice.
Re: Poster printPlease read submission rules before submitting an application.
Are you talking about this Poster Print ? If yes, please note this is not a freeware but a commercial software with a free trial period and due to this, it can't be integrated into Liberkey:
Edit: indeed, may try rasterbator. "Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
Alors tremblez, terroristes ! Parce qu'on est surentraînés !" @glecalot
Re: Poster printNo, I don't.
I think this app works as a printer driver and that's why didn't work as a portable app. But I think, it should be also apps possible for USB-stick. Hoping, one of the user of this forum knows about. Oskar
Re: Poster print
Re: Poster printje n'ai de l'anglais qu'une compréhension approximative pour être certain de la demande de Oskar, mais peut-être que Postrazor pourrai convenir ?
Re: Poster printPosteRazor laisse des traces, Rasterbator non
Re: Poster printprova con POSTERIZZA
io l'ho provato e funziona Livello di Soddisfazione: 70% Aggiornato: 2008-07-25 Download totali: 2.875 Download settimanale: 1.021 Volte Raccomandato: 0 Categorie: Immagini e design Sottocategoria: Editor immagini Tipo: Freeware Dimensione: 693 kb. Lingue: DOWNLOAD: Posterizza 1.1.1 effettivamente con questa dimensione potrebbe essere inserito in chiavetta
Re: Poster printPlease use english in your messages
"Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
Alors tremblez, terroristes ! Parce qu'on est surentraînés !" @glecalot
Re: Poster print"Rasterbator" is portable and free. Try it. Looks like something you are looking for. Or maybe "PosteRazor", also portable and free.
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