LiberKey dead again?
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LiberKey dead again?It's really a shame.
This wonderful portable collection seems to drive to the off again. I love my LiberKey and I want it back. It's hard enough to have no new apps since months, but now even the updates stay away. Please, oh Lord, give me back my LiberKey. Give me back, what I need much Give me back, what lightens me Yearning for the magic touch Lord, I want my LiberKey Please have an understandig to the common people. Unworthy to receive, but burning up hankering. No - impossible - this could not be the end of Liberkey. Give my life a meaning, again. willi
Re: LiberKey dead again?
Re: LiberKey dead again?Learn to live with it. Our Baby is dead - there are no vital signs anymore.
I have downloaded the PortableApps platform, and I am beginning to build up a replacement.
Re: LiberKey dead again?So sad. It would be help if the developers just indicated if they were taking a break or if they had abandoned Liberkey. Regularly checking for updates to no avail is just wasting people's time.
Re: LiberKey dead again?I, 14921492, take you LIberkey to be my portable suite of apllications , to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, with update or without update , for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.
I love you
Re: LiberKey dead again?The updates are the work of one and only one person for the last 2 years (maybe more), namely Dji.
It takes him a considerable time , for now he takes a pause for an indefinite period. And I'm not talking about the absence of the developer (vagabond), we didn't see him for several month. You can see the return of updates next week or next month... Unfortunately this is the only news I can give you for now ++ Pango
Re: LiberKey dead again?If the updates are delayed then the information should have been provided in the Forum. Otherwise...
Re: LiberKey dead again?After posting here I had already read that thread on 18th. You should have seen my post there before suggesting the link.
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