Chinese Simplified Translation of LiberKey v5.5

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Chinese Simplified Translation of LiberKey v5.5

Messagede cudo » 16 Juin 2011, 05:46

Hi :bigsmile:
I translate Chinese Simplified in lasted LiberKey(v5.5.0603). and I already send Translation zip files to your Email.

This is the Screenshot. ( on Flickr ) :lol:
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 09 Décembre 2010, 07:56

Re: Chinese Simplified Translation of LiberKey v5.5

Messagede Jack » 16 Juin 2011, 09:29

Hi Cudo,

This is the beginning of a new era: LiberKey in ZhongGuo (China).
By the way, is your mother tongue chinese?

A minor point: as for the title, may be it is not necessary to indicate "Chinese simplified" (as it already appears in the chinese text)?

Once again: Bravo!

I do hope the final versions (simplified AND traditional chinese) will be the result of many chinese contributors.

LiberKey wansui! (Long life to LiberKey)

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Junior Boarder
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Inscription: 09 Mars 2007, 10:57

Re: Chinese Simplified Translation of LiberKey v5.5

Messagede cudo » 21 Juin 2011, 09:10

Jack a écrit:A minor point: as for the title, may be it is not necessary to indicate "Chinese simplified" (as it already appears in the chinese text)?

Hi Jack,

My mother tongue is Chinese.
I translate LiberKey is because of the interest in this software. :laugh: (Although my English is not good, I am learning.)
I am also looking for more people to join me in the Liberkey translation (especially the Traditional Chinese).

About your suggestion: I see a lot of other software to use "Chinese simplified" (both Chinese and Endlish text).so I did.
It's also very good with only "Chinese" text. The final version will change, and will fix some translation errors.
Thanks so much.

LiberKey wansui! :lol:

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 09 Décembre 2010, 07:56

Re: Chinese Simplified Translation of LiberKey v5.5

Messagede egfree » 28 Juin 2011, 16:29

If I can see this post earlier, I would not waste the time for translate the LiberKey to Chinese by myself! :cry:
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 28 Juin 2011, 16:07

Re: Chinese Simplified Translation of LiberKey v5.5

Messagede cudo » 29 Juin 2011, 06:00

egfree a écrit:If I can see this post earlier, I would not waste the time for translate the LiberKey to Chinese by myself! :cry:

Hi egfree:

I think: That’s not a waste of time, translate Liberkey make me know more about it, I think you like me, right?

My translation may not be better than yours, you can help me translate it.(as my english is so poor :P )

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 09 Décembre 2010, 07:56

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