[en] Q: How to portabilize an app with LiberKeyPortabilizer?

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[en] Q: How to portabilize an app with LiberKeyPortabilizer?

Messagede Lockszmith » 25 Août 2009, 13:49

Hi guys,

Thanks for the great support and responsiveness of your fantastic forum, and of course for you patience with this particular English question asking geek B)

My question is (as stated above), how (if at all possible) to use the LiberKey suite of tools in general, and the LiberKeyPortabilizer specificly to "Portabilize" an application.

If it's possible, how can I also package the software as a LiberKey package?

PS: If this information is already available in French - please point me to it, I will try my best with Google translate, and post my findings in English here.

Thanks in advance.
Gal Szkolnik (Lockszmith)
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Re:[en] Q: How to portabilize an app with LiberKeyPortabiliz

Messagede skybird » 25 Août 2009, 14:21

Hi Lockszmith.
You can find some information about LiberKeyPortabilizer here. (in french)

the application (launcher) which manages the portability of all LiberKey's applications. If you look the process windows, you can see LiberKeyPortabilizer.exe which works in backgroung as long as Liberkey's applications are turn on. And it's just one LiberKeyPortabilizer.exe instance for multiple application running

It's not,
a program which turns (magically) any application into portable application.

If it's possible, how can I also package the software as a LiberKey package?

This is currently not possible.
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Re:[en] Q: How to portabilize an app with LiberKeyPortabilizer?

Messagede Lockszmith » 25 Août 2009, 16:56

Thanks skybird for the answer.

Although I wished there was some way for me to create a portablized version of my own software - since LiberKey (as a product/group) focuses on open/free software, I would like to add some self owned proprietary/paid apps.

Is there a way for me (someone out of the LiberKey dev group) to add such an App?
Is there a forum category that focuses on "self tailored" portable apps?

Again, thanks.
Gal Szkolnik (Lockszmith)
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Re:[en] Q: How to portabilize an app with LiberKeyPortabilizer?

Messagede clapiotte » 22 Septembre 2009, 10:42


I'm also very interested by developing portable versions of my own softwares. Do you intend to release some kind of tutorial or how-to to explain the procedure?

Thanks for your work,
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Re:[en] Q: How to portabilize an app with LiberKeyPortabilizer?

Messagede Dji » 22 Septembre 2009, 12:14

there are no secret: code using local ressources (relative paths) and without using any windows dll which are not native ones (if possible, do not use at all...)
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Re:[en] Q: How to portabilize an app with LiberKeyPortabilizer?

Messagede clapiotte » 24 Septembre 2009, 00:08

thanks for the reply but my question was not clear: I want to make other software portable using LiberKeyPortabilizer or other liberkey tools. Are there tutorials or how-to available?

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Re:[en] Q: How to portabilize an app with LiberKeyPortabilizer?

Messagede JP4U » 24 Septembre 2009, 00:54

Hello Clapiotte.
It doesn't exist "how-to" or "tutorials" to make portable software with the portabilizer.
These subject of portabilization was evoked here, in french, sorry :14764 and indirectly here : 13792

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Re:[en] Q: How to portabilize an app with LiberKeyPortabilizer?

Messagede Dji » 24 Septembre 2009, 09:28

Again, there are no secrets, if the software is not portable, there are no real good way to make them portable.

BUT it exists a mechanism (sandboxing) to embed a software into another one (sandbox).

If the sandbox is portable, then your not portable software will be "somehow" portable, but this is a little bit more complex to use because firstly you will have to use the sandbox, then clic inside it to use your not portable software.

I tried some months ago to use "Portable Sandboxie" with some success but this is really more flexible and easy to use native portable softwares...

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Re: [en] Q: How to portabilize an app with LiberKeyPortabili

Messagede skyhighsmile » 19 Avril 2011, 18:02

Apologies if this has already been asked, but I haven't found the answer yet -

Is there a way to have another portable app that's not fully managed by LiberKey show up in the LiberKey menu?

The apps I want to show in the menu are already portable, but they're not part of the LiberKey suite; I just want to have a single interface (the LiberKey menu) to access all my portable apps.

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Re: [en] Q: How to portabilize an app with LiberKeyPortabili

Messagede bichlepa » 19 Avril 2011, 20:36

Yes, it's very easy.
First, it is recommended to move your portable application in the folder: %LiberKey Root%\MyApps\
Then pick the executable file of your application with your mouse and move it into the LiberKey menu. This way a shortcut will be added in your LiberKey menu. B)
Any questions yet?
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